Sunday, July 12, 2009

Greetings, Weary Traveler

Hello friend.

If you are reading this, you are either following a link I sent you from a social networking site, or you were directed by some search engine like Google or Yahoo! or Bing or Pow or Flam or Jig or Webstriss or Skynet or whatever the hell the popular one is now.

Whatever brought you to this page, welcome.

My name is Jacob Leonard. In case you have not figured it out, I elected to name this blog "The Scumblog" as a play on the word "Scumbag," a name given to me by several of my friends in high school. At the time, I was a seventeen year old kid with shoulder-length hair, a calm, care-free almost sedated demeanor, and a growing appreciation of the fairer sex.

My friends and I would sit at the same table everyday for lunch and say increasingly crude things about girls that passed by our table. Each remark would escalate, becoming more and more vulgar until we were all in tears from laughing so hard. One day, my friend Aron called me a scumbag while all of jaws got a break from smiling as far as they could. Two of my other friends concurred. Thus, I became a labeled, card-carrying scumbag.

So why am I blogging? Good question, hypothetical voice. Looks like we will find out together.

I suppose the easy answer is that I am in somewhat of a transition in my life, and I was looking for a way to document my thoughts, ideas, and observations. I hope to eventually write a book, but this will work for the time being. If you are wondering if you should care about this or not you need but ask yourself these questions.

Do you like movies? Comic books? Heavy Metal?

Wow...none of them? Seriously?

No way you don't like movies....Well, piss off wierdo.

Till we meet again,

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